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For individuals 35 years of age or younger. Includes all standard Men Go Red benefits.
Men Go Red For Women is a committed group of men rallying their resources to fight heart disease, the No. 1 killer of women and men. They’re standing behind the women in their lives - wives, mothers, daughters, sisters and friends - while influencing and inspiring communities to make heart-healthy changes. Men Go Red seeks to change women's lives by raising funds that support: - Public education to increase awareness that heart disease is the number 1 killer of women - Educating healthcare professionals to assure that providers treat women according to guidelines - Educating lawmakers about this issue - Raising funds for women’s awareness, education and research programs We appreciate your support on all levels. We invite you to contribute an additional gift, or make a donation to the Men Go Red Campaign in lieu of membership in the space below.
Men Go Red For Women is a committed group of men rallying their resources to fight heart disease, the No. 1 killer of women and men. They’re standing behind the women in their lives - wives, mothers, daughters, sisters and friends - while influencing and inspiring communities to make heart-healthy changes.
Men Go Red seeks to change women's lives by raising funds that support: - Public education to increase awareness that heart disease is the number 1 killer of women - Educating healthcare professionals to assure that providers treat women according to guidelines - Educating lawmakers about this issue - Raising funds for women’s awareness, education and research programs
We appreciate your support on all levels. We invite you to contribute an additional gift, or make a donation to the Men Go Red Campaign in lieu of membership in the space below.